This is a work in progress (and likely always will be).

Working papers

The articles contained here are general and semi-structured - best considered a set of notes.

How-to articles

A set of articles providing technical guidance.


Discussion papers regarding various standards.


Raising ideas and critiques

This project is hosted on GitHub at pomes/pomes.github.io. Please use the Issues system to raise your ideas.


The Pomes logo - a pomegranate

The outer view of a pomegranate is one of intriguing form - a variety range of colours, some roughness to the texture, and a little "crown" at the base.

Within the fruit is a spongy structure that grasps the numerous seeds. These seeds are coated by a sweet membrane.

To me, the whole structure seemed an apt icon for discussing software systems.

The original image was accessed from the OpenClipArt website when it was operating.