
As of version 0.2.0 Valiant report providers are now plugins.

Valiant uses a plugin approach based on Flake8's. This allows third-parties to provide Valiant plugins that will help users in auditing their dependencies.

Using report plugins

You can see which report plugins are available by running valiant config and check the Loaded report plugins line:

Loaded report plugins: basic:0.1, demo:0.1, safety:1.8.7, localdemo:0.1, spdx:0.1

The reports line will tell you which reports are run by default:

reports:  {'safety', 'basic', 'spdx'}

The default reports can be configured - see Configuration.

Write a plugin

There are two approaches to writing a plugin:

  1. Using package discovery provided by Setuptools. You just need to provide one or more entry points in your package.
  2. Using local scripts


The demo report plugin is provided as a template from which you can build your own report plugin. The code for demo is reproduced below:

"""Demonstrator plugin."""
from pathlib import Path

from valiant.plugins.reports import (

log = get_logger()

class DemoReportPlugin(BaseReportPlugin):
    """A sample reporting plugin."""

    name = "demo"
    vendor = "Valiant"
    display_name = "Demo"
    version = "0.1"
    url = ""

    def prepare_report(
        cls, package_metadata: PackageMetadata, configuration_dir: Path
    ) -> Report:
        """Run the report.

            package_metadata: The package information
            configuration_dir: A directory for locating config

            A report with (perhaps) a finding or two.
        report = Report(cls.report_provider_details())
            "The demo plugin was called",
                title="Demo finding",
                message="This is a demo finding",
                data={"value": "demo"},
        return report

The main work items you need to undertake are:

  1. Create a class that extends BaseReportPlugin
  2. Set your plugin class values (name, version, vendor, display_name, url)
  3. Overload the prepare_report class method
  4. Access your plugin either via the entry point or local approach

The prepare_report class method signature is as follows:

def prepare_report(
    cls, package_metadata: PackageMetadata, configuration_dir: Path
) -> Report

Valiant will pass your plugin:

  • An instance of PackageMetadata for your plugin to report on.
  • A configuration_dir that you might use in order to get configuration for your plugin. If your plugin/app has an established configuration approach you can just ignore configuration_dir.

Your implementation will work its magic and return an instance of Report that Valiant will add to the set of reports to be provided to the user.

Creating a report is straight-forward, just use the following:

report = Report(cls.report_provider_details())

This will get your plugin info together (using report_provider_details).

From there you start adding Findings. A Finding is an item that your plugin determines to be a useful information item. This could be a general bit of information, a security concern, details about project popularity - the focus is really on anything that can help the user in auditing their dependencies. You can take a look at the built-in report plugins to see how they're preparing findings.

Preparing a single finding is a matter of drawing together some details:

        title="Demo finding",
        message="This is a demo finding",
        data={"value": "demo"},

Breaking this down with some explanation:

coordinates=package_metadata.coordinates : Just use this line verbatim

id="DEMO001" : Your plugin should produce an identifier per finding type. The format for id is the uppercase name of the plugin plus a 3-digit number.

title="Demo finding" : An eye-cathing title for the finding

category=FindingCategory.PROJECT.value : An open category string. Use anything that you feel is a useful category but check the FindingCategory enum to see if one already exists.

level=FindingLevel.INFO : One of priority, warning, info - use the FindingLevel enum to help you.

message="This is a demo finding" : A summary of the finding.

data={"value": "demo"} | : A Mapping that provides useful data about the finding. Use JSON-convertible types (e.g. str and int) in the Mapping to allow for different output formats.

url="" : A handy URL that will give further information about the finding.

Entry points

As Valiant uses the Poetry packaging tool, we can look at its own pyproject.toml and see how the report plugins are flagged as entry points:

"demo" = "valiant.plugins.reports.demo:DemoReportPlugin"
"basic" = "valiant.plugins.reports.basic:BasicReportPlugin"
"spdx" = "valiant.plugins.reports.spdx:SpdxLicenseReportPlugin"
"safety" = ""

Valiant will look for all declared entry points. Any package you've installed (e.g. via pip) that declares such an entry point can then be a report provider for your reports/audits.

Local plugins

You don't need to package up your plugin to use it - this is handy if it's just for a project your team is working on.

You can add the following lines to your pyproject.toml or any of your configuration files to start using local plugins.

paths = ["./tests/plugins"]

localdemo = "reports.localdemo:LocalDemoReportPlugin"

The paths item is a list of paths in which Valiant will seek out your plugin.

The [tool.valiant.local-plugins.""] section contains one or more report plugins. Each plugin is described using <name> = "<entry point>".

The example above (localdemo = "reports.localdemo:LocalDemoReportPlugin") designates a report provider named localdemo with an entry point being a class that extends BaseReportPlugin. You can review the code for this plugin at: LocalDemoReportPlugin